INS Studio
Charles Munka “Tameshigaki”
Charles Munka, an artist born in Lyon, left France in 2000 to pursue his path as an artist through experiences in Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong. He is now based on Sado Island, Niigata prefecture since 2018. Across his journey of more than two decades, he has been collecting "tameshigaki," scribbled pieces of paper found in stationery stores. In this exhibition, Munka is presenting a series of works entitled "Tameshigaki (lignes de vies)," where he samples and remixes lines, letters, symbols, drawings, and other motifs left by others when "testing" pens and pencils, to assemble them into original works.
- 展覧会名
Exhibition Title - Charles Munka “Tameshigaki” (lignes de vies)
- 会期
Dates - 2023.06.30 (Fri) - 07.16 (Sun)
- 時間
Opening Hours - 12:00 - 19:00 (closed on Monday and Tuesday)
- 会場
Location - INS Studio
- 入場料
Admission - Free